of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
  1. The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
    The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.

  2. The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.

  3. The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.

  4. The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation.

  5. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.

  6. The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.

*) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.


For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at
info (@)


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